Dr Sebastian Ziller



Chief Dental Officer, Germany

2001 to date: Head of Department of Prevention and Health Promotion at German Dental Association (Bundeszahnärztekammer)

1998-2000: Research Associate at the Institute of Public Health, Technical University of Berlin (Epidemiology Department)

1993-96: General Dental Practitioner

1998: Master of Science in Public Health, Berlin School of Public Health

1997: Doctor in Dentistry, Humboldt-University Charité, Berlin

1993: Graduated in Dental Surgery, Humboldt-University Charité, Berlin

key activities: prevention, oral health promotion, health services research, workforce planning, health politics. Member of the German Association for Public Health (DGPH), Board member Toothfriendly Germany, Founding member of the Berlin register of heart attacks

German Dental Association/Bundeszahnärztekammer
Head of Departement of Prevention and Health Promotion
Chausseestr. 13
D-10115 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 4000 5160

Fax: +49 30 4000 5200