The first report published by the CECDO was released in October 1994. It was on Dental Specialties and Continuing Professional Education. Since then a number of other reports and documents have been published. It is the intention to add all these reports to this website. At present the following reports/discussion documents are available.
In order to view these reports, please click on the PDFs below. It should then be possible to download them and print them out.
Patel R., Eaton K.A., Garcia A., Rincon V., Brooks J. (2011) An investigation into the numbers of dentists from 19 European Economic Area (EEA) member states currently registered to work in the United Kingdom and the key differences between the practice of dentistry in the UK and their member states of origin. British Dental Journal; 211: 133 – 137.
Sanz M., Widström. E., Eaton K.A.
Is there a need for a common framework of dental specialties in Europe?
European Journal of Dental Education 2008 : 12 : 138-143
Widström E. & Eaton K.A. (2004)
Oral Healthcare Systems in the Extended European Union.
Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry; 2 : 155 – 194.
Widström E. & Eaton K.A. (1999)
Systems for the Provision of Oral Health Care, Workforce and Costs in the EU and EEA – A Council of European Chief Dental Officers’ Survey.
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, STAKES, Helsinki, Finland.
ISBN 951-33-0772-7.
Widström E., Eaton K.A. & van den Heuvel J. (1996)
Dentistry in the EU and EEA, a Council of European Chief Dental Officers Survey.
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, STAKES, Helsinki, Finland.
ISBN 951-33-0231-8.
In 2011, CDOs from 19 EU Member States contributed descriptions to the publication – A practical resource to help in the support of non-UK EEA qualified dental practitioners practising in the UK. This publication was updated in 2012. It describes the differences in practice across the 19 EU Member States and can be accessed via the heading ” EEA Dentists Information” from
Between 2009 and 2013, many CDOs from some EU and EEA Member States and European countries outside the EEA have published descriptions of the system for the provision of oral healthcare in their countries.
They were written for a series published in the journal Oral Health and Dental Management and are reproduced with the kind permission of the Founding Editor of this journal.
Provisional Recommendations for Cross Infection Control in Dentistry (2008)
Provision of Emergency Oral Health Care-Survey and Workshop Report (2008)
More attention to Public Health in the European Union - implications for dentistry? (2005)
Report of CECDO Workforce Survey (August 2005)
CECDO Workforce Survey - Questions 3c,4 (2005)
CECDO Workforce Survey - Questions 5,3a,3b (2005)
Licensing Examinations in Dentistry. Proceedings of a Special Meeting of CCECDO held in Jerusalem,(1999)
Working for Oral Health in Europe.A Discussion Document from CECDO (2000)
Dental Specialties and Continuing Professional Education. First Report of CECDO (1994)