The Executive

Dympna Kavanagh

Dympna Kavanagh is the Chief Dental Officer in the Department of Health, Ireland. She worked with Unilever Research and subsequently completed her PhD in UCC. She undertook a Diploma, Masters, and Specialist/ Consultancy Training in Dental Public Health in King’s College London. She has worked in the Health Service Executive Ireland in the areas of... View Article

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Gabriele Sax

Chief Dental Officer, Austria (since 1997) and Senior Researcher in “health promotion and prevention” CECDO Secretary (since 2001) Main interests include dental public health, health policy, organisational development in the public health care sector How long have you been involved in the CECDO and how did this come about? I have been involved with the organisation since 1997.... View Article

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Dr Lene Vilstrup

Chief Dental Officer, Denmark Main interests are public health and community dentistry How long have you been involved in the CECDO and how did this come about? I attended my first meeting in 2008, in Paris. I was invited in my capacity as a CDO at the Danish Health and Medicines authority in Denmark. What... View Article

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Dr Paul Boom

Having served CECDO earlier as President in 2011 and 2012, I am pleased to step in as acting president for 2020. Oral health is very much in the process to emancipate itself from an isolated health domain into a full fledged member of the public health community. And quite rightly so as mouth diseases are... View Article

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Corrado Paganelli

Corrado Paganelli’s main interests are dental public health, orthodontics and dental materials. Corrado is the dean of the dental school – university of Brescia.

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Dr. Paula Vassallo

Dr. Paula Vassallo, received her degree in Dentistry from the University of Malta in 1992. She also holds a Diploma in Dental Public Health from the Royal College of Surgeons of England, a Master of Science in Dental Public Health from the University College London and an MBA from the Warwick Business School. In 2011... View Article

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Dr Sebastian Ziller

2001 to date: Head of Department of Prevention and Health Promotion at German Dental Association (Bundeszahnärztekammer) 1998-2000: Research Associate at the Institute of Public Health, Technical University of Berlin (Epidemiology Department) 1993-96: General Dental Practitioner 1998: Master of Science in Public Health, Berlin School of Public Health 1997: Doctor in Dentistry, Humboldt-University Charité, Berlin 1993:... View Article

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Prof. Kenneth A. Eaton

Chair of the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe (2011) and adviser to the CECDO since 1994. Main interests include Periodontology, Dental Public Health, teaching, research and examining Dental Care Professionals, and dentists, and the development and evaluation of distance learning. How long have you been involved in the CECDO and how did this come... View Article

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